The Voice of Pennsylvania's Camping Industry

Save Next Summer

As we prepare for a robust reopening, we call on you to contact our state officials and share what camp means to you. Our collective voices will raise public officials’ attention, and encourage them to publicly support our safe reopening this summer.  
Help camps by taking action! Here’s what you can do to help Pennsylvania camps:

1. Find your representatives. You can find your representative by putting your address into the form at this link.

2. Write your representative an email. If you aren’t sure what to say, we’ve provided some templates for you to use. Just go to the links and copy the text. Then paste it into a word processor. The parts in red need to be personalized so that you can tell YOUR story. Then print it out and send it (or email it!) using the information in the contact form above!

    Here is the template for campers.

    Here is the template for camp parents.

    Here is the template for camp professionals.

3. If you are a camp owner or director, consider joining the Pennsylvania Camp Organization. They are doing valuable work advocating for camps in Pennsylvania.


 Visit the Share This Story section of our website to find suggestions for how to share our story on social media using the hashtag #SaveNextSummer so that we can make sure as many people as possible know about our campaign!