The Voice of Pennsylvania's Camping Industry

Our Mission

PACA Members at Harrisburg

The PA Camp Association (PACA) came together in 2005 as an initiative of the Wayne County Camp Alliance (WCCA), a group of 25 camps back in 2005 (now 30 camps) in the northern Poconos.

Our objective is to provide legislative intervention in Harrisburg related to issues affecting all camp programs in Pennsylvania.

PACA has been influential in educating our state legislators to understand the business of camps and distinguish camps from campgrounds as well. This has occurred through working together with the government affairs group, Triad Strategies. They have been quintessential in positioning camps favorably with our legislators, and keeping camps within the memory banks of these legislators.

PACA also monitors legislative affairs and agendas, and clues camps in when there is legislation on the horizon that will impact Pennsylvania camps. This is critical because it then allows us to mobilize a call to action. Triad guides PACA to employ the appropriate tactics for action, however, more camp memberships would also mean more impact in our action. Our goal is for every camp in Pennsylvania to join the Pennsylvania Camp Association (PACA), which will continue to fund this venture and have an influential voice in Harrisburg concerning all future legislation regarding each of our camps.